Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ebb and Flow

As March comes to a close, I am disappointed in myself that I haven't blogged more.  Even though I hate to admit it (I mean really hate to admit it), I've always been a master in the art of procrastination.  The more I give myself a hard and fast set of rules, the more I want to break them.  I've spent years trying to remedy this but alas, I've decided to stop fighting the procrastination and just embrace it.  My main hang-up is that Lovely Lemony Biscuits is still in the early stages and I'm not sure where it's going yet.  Is it a writing blog? A travel blog? A personal blog? A healthly lifestyle blog? A "me" blog? Or a combo of all the above? I hate making hard and fast decisions about projects because as a true procrastinator, I'm prone to changing my mind once I really get down to business.  So for now I'm thowing the rule book out the window.  I'm going to embrace the ebb and flow of life.  I'm learning to seek balance, rather than perfection.  Ok, ok, enough on that.  I'm now going to stop making rules about how to not make rules.  It's a sickness, really. 

In all fairness the last few weeks have been busy: a New York City mini-vacation, my annual performance review at work, birthday celebrations, big life decisions, and a re-focusing on my overall health and happiness.  Just a few things, right?  April is lurking on the next page of my shamefully outdated paper planner, eager for me to turn the page.  Three day weekends, work conferences in Albuquerque, writing classes, Renaissance faires. Yes, April does indeed have a lot of exciting events planned.  The tide is moving out again and I think I'm ready. 

Thanks for reading, friends!

p.s.  My next blog post will be about NYC.  I can say this will all confidence because I'm almost done writing it.  Ciao!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Spring has officially sprung in North Texas. The flower beds around campus are stuffed full of happy yellow daffodils, the hundreds of bulbs my mother planted (yes, hundreds) are starting to peek their colorful heads out the ground, and my nose won't stop running.  While I love springtime, with the explosion new growth and mild days, I can't help but feel some trepidation.  Summer is coming.   I am never ready for summer.  And this summer I'm going to be doing some serious writing.  Gulp. 
Our new rock garden- Tulips, Hyacinths, Rosemary and Jonquils
My first creative writing course ended last week and I was sad to say goodbye to it.  Over the last six weeks I've done more consistent writing and brainstorming on my creative projects than ever before.  I nerdily gobbled up every piece of advice, every technique, and every organizational idea during those three hour classes.  I even managed to write a short story and share it with people outside of my immediate family (if you'd like to read it, email me!).  I got comfortable in the class, making friends, feeling productive with my daily writing exercises, basking in the early stages of writing projects where you aren't pushed to make long-term commitments to characters or story ideas.  However, this creative writing program is meant to push you, not make you comfortable.  The next course starts one week from today and it's called, "The Story."  This next class will push me to write the ending to my story first and to make some serious decisions about plot and character.  Like vitamins, sunscreen, and a practical wide-brimmed hat, the class will be the perfect preparation for the summer course, the much dreaded "Chapters" intensive.  It's time to nourish the creative soil and get to work.  Summer is right around the corner.